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Then after that, each lesson costs £33 and lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes


Every lesson is tailored to each individual student, so that we focus on their specific targets and areas of development. The central focus will be on meeting their target grade for GCSE English, and for this, we will complete a variety of skills-based tasks, practice exam questions and papers, and activities to develop vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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What we will cover for each GCSE English exam

GCSE English Language 


To prepare for the GCSE English Language exams, we will cover the skills, knowledge and techniques required for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. 


Paper 1


Section A: To prepare for this section of the exam, we will complete a variety of comprehension tasks, building up to more challenging literary texts. We will build upon current subject terminology and practice analysing how different language and structural techniques are used by writers. Analysis is one of the most difficult skills on the curriculum, so we will spend a lot of time developing techniques to analyse texts, as well as refining the new exam skill of evaluation.


Section B: This is the creative writing aspect of the exam. To prepare for this, we will spend time practising how to use language and structural techniques. I also like to develop each student's vocabulary, so that they are able to use more ambitious words with flair in their writing. Much time will also be spent on spelling, punctuation and grammar as necessary.


Paper 2


Section A: This section of the exam requires the ability to compare ideas, attitudes and techniques in two different texts. We will spend time practising and developing comparative skills, and using these to compare exam-style texts. This is one of the most difficult sections in all of the GCSE English Language exams, as it requires an understanding of nineteenth century non-fiction. For this, we will practise, practise and practise - it really does make perfect!


Section B: For this final section of the exam, I encourage students to expand their general knowledge of current topics in the media by reading articles, watching documentaries, and paying attention to what is in the news. They are required to create a piece of writing that engages with current issues and topics. So whilst we will, of course, shape and develop their ability to create a piece of writing in this style, they must do some further reading.



At the Centre, there will be...


- All literature texts provided;                            

- Resources for ALL exam boards;

- Practice exam papers;                                       

- Homework tasks given; â€‹

- Classes organised by ability.




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To prepare for the GCSE English Literature exams, we will spend a lot of time getting to know the exam texts in detail, thinking critically, analytically and comparatively about them. 


With the new curriculum, GCSE English Literature has never been so challenging. Students must sit two closed-book exams, and are expected to have memorised quotes from each five texts that they have studied. To prepare for this, we will create a plethora of revision aids for each character and theme from the different texts they have studied. Most of the skills that they will develop for their GCSE English Language exam can be applied to English Literature, so it will simply be a case of polishing those skills, applying them to exam-style questions, and building on their knowledge of the texts. 

GCSE English Literature 

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